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TransparENT PRICING and professionalism

At our studio, we pride ourselves on being open and transparent about our pricingWe don't believe in sales gimmicks or pressure to purchase large packagesOur philosophy is simple: we want to earn your return each lessonby providing the highest quality dance instruction in the state


Pay as you go - $125/lesson5 lessons- $550($75 savings)10 lessons -$1000($250 savings)


12 and under (30 minutes): $4513 to 18 years old (45 minutes): $70

We don’t push large packagesbecause we believe inearning your trust andcommitment throughthe quality of each lesson.

While we may not bethe cheapest per lesson,we offer the best valuein terms of how much youlearn and the quality of instruction.Our lessons incorporatethe latest trendsand techniques

Our instructorstrain regularly withWorld Champions,bringing the most up to dateinformation from Europeand the rest of the world to Oklahoma

Our students’ progressspeaks for itself.We invite you towatch some of our studentsand ask them how longthey have been dancing.You will be shocked and inspired.

No Big Packages

Best Value

Highest quality

Proven Methodology

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